e-VEM, a portal for business-related issues set up in 2005, has proven very successful with Slovenians wishing to register as independent entrepreneurs.
The e-VEM portal brings considerable savings for entrepreneurs registering for the national register of independent entrepreneurs due to its ‘one-stop shop’ nature and the cancellation of registration and other fees. Over the past year, the service experienced a 16% increase in activity.
The portal enables those wishing to become independent entrepreneurs to register on-line and to provide the requisite tax data. At the same time, entrepreneurs can take out obligatory health insurance for themselves and their children with the Slovenian Health Insurance Institute. Registered entrepreneurs can also change their data or remove their name from the list.
Entrepreneurs can use the service safely through a qualified digital certification system or in one of the 200 VEM access points where a clerk performs these procedures for them.
All the other services that can be used or carried out by existing or future entrepreneurs through the e-VEM portal are also free of charge.
http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/5776/194 Owing to its success, the range of electronic services offered by the portal will be expanded. The on-line registration of limited companies and other procedures will be available next year.