The Maltese government is planning to roll out some 40 new on-line services for citizens over the summer months.
The move, announced by Minister for Investment, Industry and Information Technology Austin Gatt will significantly expand on an already wide range of eGoverment services available to residents of Malta.
Indeed, Malta's eGovernment services have already been classified as the second most sophisticated and third most extensive in the EU. The new measures should further improve Malta's record, while making essential tasks much easier to carry out for citizens.
The new services will be put out to tender, which should shorten the time required to get the services up and running, while producing economies of scale and price.
eGovernment services most recently launched include on-line applications for public-sector jobs (launched in June 2007) and on-line applications for child and family allowances (launched in March 2007). A full list of the eServices already available can be found on the Government of Malta website.