The TelecentreEurope network runs across 19 NGO’s in 19 countries (with more possible) and provides e-skills to more than 80000 people every year. The training happens through the 600 training centers that these NGOs manage and support. The network aspires to play a prominent role in the development of citizens’ e-skills and the innovative implementation of large scale information technology programmes for e-Inclusion, quality of life and social enterprises in Europe. We see our efforts as completely consistent with the objectives of the Lisbon Agenda’s principles and frameworks.
Telecentres.Europe follows a project-driven approach in its development based on recognizing leadership in different telecentre areas of competence. It is establishing an effective communication and operational environment for national telecentre projects to collaborate, partner, and integrate resources toward achieving the EU strategic goals for building the European Information Society. It is incubating project development and project management capacity to seek project funds and implement international projects with EU and other funding. It will develop a strategy paper on eSkills for Employability and Inclusion with recommendations to the European Commission for utilization of joined telecentre resources and practices.
The technologies used by the NGOs within the network range from very basic to highly sophisticated portals and collaboration tools. State of the art e-learning and more conventional off-line approaches are used to train people in cities, very rural environments or even through mobile classrooms. Similarly, management of the centers is accomplished using both state-of the-art tools and web portals and more conventional means. Consistent across all efforts is recognition that training and using technology successfully does require investment in face to face interaction to maximize the benefits and relevance of technologies’ promise.