– Access Info Europe is delighted to announce its selection as the Regional Hub for the European Union for the Global Data Barometer (GDB), with responsibility for mapping levels of open data in 20 European countries as part of the 2021 global study.
The GDB is a multi-stakeholder initiative to evaluate the state of openness and use of data, with a focus on data for development, data in artificial intelligence (AI), and data justice. Specific thematic priorities include climate, migration, health, gender equality and inclusion, and public procurement.
“In a year in which we have seen more than ever the importance of timely and accurate data for the public to follow and participate in decisions which affect our lives and livelihoods, it’s very exciting to be joining this global evaluation of the accessibility and quality of government-held data,” said Helen Darbishire, Executive Director of Access Info Europe.
Access Info was chosen for its extensive experience in managing pan-European research projects, including studies to evaluate levels of open data in areas such as migration and Sustainable Development Goal data, with a focus on gender equality indicators.
As a Regional Hub, Access Info will manage the Global Data Barometer research in 20 European countries, and will lead the creation of a regional report and dissemination strategy.
Countries will be selected from: Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
If you are interested in being a country researcher for the Global Data Barometer, please sign up here and also contact Access Info directly.
For more information, please contact:
Helen Darbishire | Executive Director
[email protected] +34 667 685 319
Paula Domínguez | Communications Officer
[email protected] +34 637 22 66 09